Saturday, August 29, 2015

Autumn Grasses

Autumn Grasses
7"x 5", pastel

Really do love fall, the cooler temps, oh, yes the cooler temps! But I really love the colors of fall, unfortunately, that rarely happens here. So I rejoice in the subtle changes that we are blessed with in our area.

This originally was part of a larger painting, but sometimes 'crop art' can be a good thing. I love everything about this little painting. Some years this is all the 'color' we get! Come on cooler temps!!!

Saturday, August 22, 2015

K-9 Kruisin'

K-9 Kruisin'
8" x 10", pastel
Click to Buy

When I pulled up behind this scene at a stop light, I was so hoping I could snap a photo before the light changed. This dog was so intent on the guy in the mirror. I felt he was trying to 'will' the guy to let him in the cab.

Occasionally, there will be a painting that just falls into place, 'paints itself' so to speak. This was one of those. Hadn't painted in awhile when I decided to give this one a try. It came together without major issues. The hardest part was coming up with a title!

Sunday, August 2, 2015


6"x6", pastels

My son's girlfriend was visiting last weekend and interested in getting started in painting with pastels. I grabbed a piece of sanded paper and began showing her mark making. Pretty much ended with a couple of pitiful trees and let her start on her own painting.

When I came across the sketch again today, decided there might be a chance for this little painting. So I added a foreground, mid-ground and distant mountain.......pleased with the result.