Monday, January 23, 2017

Up Close--2

Up Close--2
6"x 8", Pastel
Click to Buy

Such a good day, our youngest had a snowboarding accident Christmas eve, and received wonderful news today. This second CT scan showed that the damage is not as severe as the MRI had shown. Yippee, for him!! This means that the recovery will not be as long as originally thought. The Lord IS good, guess that should be with a capital G!

So to celebrate I thought I would post a painting that I have been working on a few days. This is my niece's cat. I just put my phone down to her level and began snapping photos. Curiosity got the best of her, and this up close and personal shot was the result!

Saturday, January 14, 2017

Hollyhocks in Pink

Hollyhocks in Pink
12" x 6", pastel

These gorgeous hollyhocks lived in Estes Park, Colorado. They were in a small garden just outside of a beautiful.

Hoping that this New Year finds you well, with anticipation of good things to come. I am looking forward to good health/healing for my family and productive days in the studio for me.....God's richest blessings for you!