Wednesday, December 8, 2021

Texas Trio

 Texas Trio
18 x 24, pastel

This was a painting that was created from a number of photos that I took near my home. I am definitely not a "longhorn' fan (Gig'em!), but I loved painting these. All the angles, shadows and bone structures were a neat challenge. It found a home this past weekend and I hope they enjoy it as well.

Friday, November 12, 2021

Baby, It's Cold...

 Baby, It's Cold.....
8 x 6, pastel

This little titmouse was so very cold this past February when we experienced our 'snow-magedon'!!!
I was constantly putting birdseed out and water.....until we lost our water for days!! 
Think he/she is just too cute!!

Monday, October 25, 2021

Along the Fence Line

Along the Fence Line
12" x 9", pastel

Another typical scene in the spring in the Texas hill country. Love to drive the roads in search wild flowers in the spring.

Friday, October 22, 2021

Splendor in the SKy

 Splendor in the Sky
10" x 20", pastel

This was the scene one evening as I was heading home from the Gallerie at Gruene. Just had to give a try at recreating the splendor of the sunset. Fortunately, an art patron wanted it in their home!!

Wednesday, October 20, 2021

Cactus and Cedar

 Cactus and Cedar
8 x 10, pastel

This is a typical scene across quite a bit of Texas, at least here in the hill country. This was another of those that just sort of painted itself, perhaps because it is seen almost daily. Loved the cactus shapes!

Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Who Invited You?


 Who Invited You?
8" x 6", pastel

Frequently, the bird bath gets a little crowded around here. Happened to catch this cardinal with a less than pleased least in my opinion. It is rare to catch a titmouse in the photo reference, they do not stay in one place very long!

Saturday, September 25, 2021

Woody's Hangout

 Woody's Hangout
12" x 6", pastel

Rarely, do paintings just flow, but fortunately this one did! From sketching out the first attempt, which  was a bit too big for the size I desired, to fast sketching it on the Uart pastel paper, to pastel application this one was just fun. Besides the fact that these woodpeckers clear out my bird feeders almost daily, I do enjoy them being around.

Thursday, September 23, 2021


12 x 9, pastel

Sometimes the most beloved family members are just not allowed at wedding venues, such is the case for sweet Cheyenne. So if she can't be there in person, she will be in spirit and art!! I was privileged to  create this image of this sweet pup so she can 'attend' the wedding ceremony. She is a sweety!

Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Sunlit Hummer

 Sunlit Hummer
6 x 6, pastel

I was all set and ready to get started on a landscape that may or may not have included bluebonnets. But when I started up the tablet the photo that immediately popped up was this hummer! I have had difficulty getting photos of hummingbirds in the sun, so I am pretty sure this little guy was a visitor last year. 
I just had to paint this little guy first!!  Loved the way he sparkles in the sunlight and he just looks so sassy!

Sunday, August 22, 2021

Signs of Spring

Signs of Spring
7x5, pastel

Have been working on a commission and when it was completed I wanted to create something loose. Maybe the butterflies aren't loose but the grasses were a blast to complete. Sometimes a change is all you need!

Thursday, July 1, 2021

Lil' Wren

 Lil' Wren
6" x 6", pastel

Same little family of wrens and more artistic license to create this painting!

Tuesday, June 29, 2021

My Best Side...

My Best Side...
6" x 6", pastel

We are blessed with the cutest family of wrens. To be so tiny, they are one loud little critter. They flit all over the porch singing their songs at the top of their lungs. They enjoy sitting high on the furniture, but that doesn't make for very interesting paintings!! So.....a little artistic license was put in play here....

Monday, June 28, 2021

Lesser Goldfinch

 Lesser Goldfinch
6" x 6", pastel

We have many various visitors to our birdfeeder, supplying endless hours of enjoyment. These little beauties visit during the warm weather, so we enjoy them while we can.

Friday, June 25, 2021

Peach Sunset

Peach Sunset
12 x 6, pastel

There is something about painting a vertical sunset. I just love them, maybe because they are unexpected, just as the colors of this sunset. It was so pale but with the wisps of clouds that really looked like they wanted to bring rain.......but, alas, it didn't happen.

Wednesday, June 23, 2021


Matted to 8x10, watercolor

Watercolor was my medium of choice for 20+ years. Then I discovered pastel..... I still create in watercolor just not to the extent that pastel is used. But some subjects just lend themselves to watercolor and that is just what this dragonfly needed!!

Tuesday, June 22, 2021

Hill Country Scene

Hill Country Scene
8" x 8", pastel

The Texas Hill Country is known for the wildflowers that 'usually' cover the fields and sides of the roads each spring, this year, not so much. They are dependent upon the rainfall received in the fall and winter and not so much of that happened. So even though they were few and far between, I decided that I would paint them from memory. Bluebonnets and Indian Paintbrushes are my favorite. Have to admit that name of the lavendar/ purple flowers escapes me, just know that they are not verbena.

Thursday, April 22, 2021

Serata Italiana

 Serata Italiana
10 x 8, Pastel

It is hard to believe that it has been almost 10 years since I was blessed to get to go to Italy on a painting excursion! That was a magical 10 days, a once in a lifetime experience! To get to travel to Italy and then to get to paint was a delight. At the time I only painted in watercolor, not pastel, my preferred medium now. The pastels I have created have mostly been of the people I encountered and a few of Orvieto alleyways.

This painting is from the first evening in Citta della Pieve and is the entrance to the pizzeria at the Hotel Vanucci. I just loved the light and the cast shadow created by the lamp and vines. It is available at the Gallerie at Gruene.

Friday, April 2, 2021


6"x 6", pastel

For the past couple of months I have been working on a commission, a rather large commission, 4ft x 4ft. It has really been a fun painting to create. But no matter how much fun they are, commissions carry a good deal of stress along with them, at least for me they do. You see on other paintings, I just have to satisfy me and if I am lucky some one will like it enough to take it home with them!!! But a commission requires that you paint to the satisfaction of the buyer.

Today was the day that the big reveal was going to happen. So, to de-stress, I decided to paint this little chicken!! Years ago a neighbor tried their hand at raising chickens, just a few. They would let them roam the 'hood during the day and cage them at night. They often visited our yard and I took the opportunity of photograph them. This was the perfect painting to de-stress, loved her disgruntled expression!!!

Wednesday, March 3, 2021

Chilly Chickadee

 Chilly Chickadee
6"x 6", pastel

February was weird month in Texas as far as weather is concerned. A week of freezing temps, even single digits and almost everyone had snow across the state....even Galveston!! We had two days of snow and miserably cold temps, days without heat and water. But as bad as the humans had it, I felt 
bad for the critters that had to stay out in the very cold. I was filling the feeder twice a day and water only stayed in the liquid form for a few minutes.

This little guy was one of the dozens of birds that frequented the feeder that week. 

Wednesday, January 13, 2021

Surprise Winter Visitor

 Surprise Winter Visitor
8"x 6", pastel

Just this week we had a bit of snow, quite an unusual happening in south Texas. I kept my eyes peeled for this little fellow. You see, several years ago we had a severe freeze lasting several days. Now I have a bad habit of leaving the hummingbird feeders up. Well, imagine my surprise when I looked out the window and saw this little guy on one of the frozen feeders!!! I immediately set to work to get another feeder out there with thawed food!

He hung around several days as did the freeze, keeping me busy putting out thawed food every couple of hours. He often sat in our lemon bush (where he is in this painting) just a shivering. I have the cutest photos of his little eyes closed, and those feathers puffed up, trying his best to stay warm.

I am sure we will have another cold spell and I will be on the lookout for my little visitor!

Wednesday, January 6, 2021


12 x 9, Pastel

My son had the pleasure of visiting Ketchikan this summer and shared the reference photo for this painting with me. There was much more in the original photo, but I narrowed it to fit this format. He was surprised and I believe pleased with his Christmas present. He shared with me that I failed to include the seals that frequent the area enjoying the local fish (he failed to take a photo of such going on!) This was a fun one!