Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Sunlit Hummer

 Sunlit Hummer
6 x 6, pastel

I was all set and ready to get started on a landscape that may or may not have included bluebonnets. But when I started up the tablet the photo that immediately popped up was this hummer! I have had difficulty getting photos of hummingbirds in the sun, so I am pretty sure this little guy was a visitor last year. 
I just had to paint this little guy first!!  Loved the way he sparkles in the sunlight and he just looks so sassy!

Sunday, August 22, 2021

Signs of Spring

Signs of Spring
7x5, pastel

Have been working on a commission and when it was completed I wanted to create something loose. Maybe the butterflies aren't loose but the grasses were a blast to complete. Sometimes a change is all you need!