Monday, April 29, 2013

Winkin' Llama

Winkin' Llama
8 x 6, pastel

This llama was too cute. He looks like he is puckering up to kiss, or is that spit???????

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Sunlit Iris

Sunlit Iris
22 x 15, watercolor

Painting days have been few and far between these past several weeks. This painting has taken weeks to complete. There were weeks that it only got attention one day that week. It is a large painting by my standards and those are always a challenge for me. Another challenge, when do you know a painting is finished? Sometimes I just have to "step away from the painting".

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Painter's Block

Bath Time
about 20lbs.

Goodness gracious! Attempt to paint after 2 weeks of not painting at all and it is like never ever painting! My attempts today at a pastel study were woefully sad. I had intended to paint yesterday but my new job threw a wrench in that idea. So I got up early and finished my work and hit the pastels. Ugh!

But the good news is, today is over and I get to paint everyday next week. WooHoo!!

So since I have no painting to show, thought you might like seeing a visitor who frequents our backyard. He/she likes to bathe in the tubs of water we put out for the deer.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Weathered Beauty

Weathered Beauty
12x9, pastel

This is just the first of, hopefully, many more paintings with this woman as the subject. She is a gypsy woman, who lives in Italy. I was blessed to get to see her while visiting Citta della Pieve. She played the hand organ as marionettes that were attached to her feet and legs danced. It was such a joy to behold and the small children loved it.

This is also my first attempt at a portrait of a female using pastel as the medium. I truly believe that portraits are easier in watercolor. Now there are plenty who would argue that point with me. 

Monday, April 15, 2013


22 x 15, watercolor
Click to Buy

I had to pull this painting out of the past. Unfortunately, painting just has not been a part of my life for the last couple of weeks.

Painting large is not something to which I gravitate, but I enjoyed this one. As always filling the the background is a challenge, didn't want to detract from the the stars---the poppies!

Four of my paintings are on display and for sale at the Arthritis Association, in San Antonio, off Medical Dr. It is a beautiful office and I hope the original art displayed by several artists brightens the day for visiting patients and their families.