Monday, December 10, 2012

Orvieto Gargoyle

Orvieto Gargoyle
5x7, pastel  Sold

Started a new painting today, well, really, I started it yesterday. It took me several hours to get the drawing correct yesterday. That usually is a sign it isn't going to be a loose painting, but that's OK. If I can pull this off and get this watercolor done to my satisfaction, I will be tickled pink. If that happens, then you may see it here. If not-----there is a blank canvas on the other side of the paper!!!!!!

Orvieto Gargoyle lives in San Antonio. There were gargoyles everywhere in Italy and I believe I only took one picture of them--go figure??

Also, Playing at Padre and Day at the Beach, went home to Corpus Christi yesterday. Check back to the September 9th post to see them.

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